Friday, April 17, 2009

Porn Pageants

I have never thought of a beauty pageants as a form of pornography. When I was first asked what I thought of that idea I simply answered no. I initially believed that women have entered pageants to promote themselves as an all around package. They show off their physical beauty, a specific talent, personality, and intelligence. I never saw Miss America as a woman promoting her body in a sexual manner, or to please and arouse viewers. I was not unaware by any means her physical beauty was taken into a count, but I never coupled pageants with porn. Then I heard many opinions on this question.

I was provided with a break down on what women were actually judged on and the percentage it played in the overall scoring:

5 points each- hair, nose, mouth

10 points each- eyes, hands, arms, legs, torso, grace of bearing, facial expression

15 points- construction of head

(William Goldman, Hype and Glory, 1990)

Every aspect of women's physical look is examined, manipulated and judged. James Bullie, head of the Cosmetic Surgery Center in Little Rock, Arkansas was asked if he thought cosmetic surgery was cheating. He replied "It's easier to take an extremely talented girl and do a thirty minute nasal operation than take a flawless beautiful girl and teach her to sing or play piano." If this talent and intelligence is so highly praised where does it stand in the judging? This is where my opinion begins to shift. I begin to understand how one may pose the question of porn.

I then bring up the notion of objectification. I believe throughout of society and culture women are constantly molded into a specific look, expectation, and desirable need. In every magazine article, TV commercial, and Internet ad women are seen as sex objects only to be drooled over. Our culture has promoted women to be seen as physical attributes to ones sexual wants and needs.

Someone stated in my class: if one was to be judged on her answers alone, never looked at, never seen, would she be the same one chosen if she was first judged on her appearance?

I answer this question confidently, knowing two different women would be picked!

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