Thursday, March 26, 2009

Embrace Yourself!

Internalized Racism:
This concept revolves around the notion of one internalizing they are inferior. One becomes to believe the societal message of being different, and because of these differences, believes to be not equal. The dominant group places a set of beliefs, ideas, morals etc.forth, and if one who is not in the dominating group allows these to be the truth they have become oppressed. They have completely come to terms with self-dissatisfaction. One wishes at any cost to resemble the oppressor. One of inferiority may feel ashamed or embarrassed.
I have allowed myself for 20 years to be completely naive to this situation. How can one be unhappy with who they are? How can one dislike themselves for the color of their skin? How can one be ashamed of their culture? But more importantly, why do people of superiority have the power to make people disown themselves?
My Japanese friend, Tamami, reiterates her hatred for Asian people. At every comment spoken I am struck with confusion. How can she truly dislike where she came from, who she is, and what her family has become? Not only do I cringe with anger, but I fill with sadness. I constantly question her hatred toward herself. She will say "I look so Asian. Gross." and I will reply "you are Asain, and beautiful!" I continuosly tell her to embrace who she is. I hear people ridicule her for how she speaks. They do this with the mere thought of a laugh. They are her friends, classmates, and calleuges. She laughs and simply kids with them. I don't like what they say. I wish they would stop. I become internally angry in my friends defence. But then I think, I only have the right to be mad at myself. I laugh when she speaks broken english. I joke when she cannot think of the right word she wishes to say. For this I am an oppressor. For this I contradict myself when I speak words of encouragement.
Don't listen to the comments. Silence the laughter. Hear only what you wish. Embrace yourself!

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